Okay, while this is NOT the most fun topic, it needs to be addressed. And now that it’s officially Spring, it’s the perfect time to get this on your radar (and your calendar), if it’s not already. This is kinda funny, kinda not. As an adult (post college), I had NEVER lived somewhere long enough […]
When it comes to getting organized, one of the key elements must be editing. However, the very idea of getting rid of possessions strikes fear into the hearts of many. As with any other process, it often helps to have some rules in place. Consider these six rules of editing to help you take steps […]
Let’s face it, just because a new year is starting doesn’t mean a new you will emerge, no matter how many resolutions you make. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most people who make ‘resolutions’ run out of steam by the end of January and fall right back into their old […]
I have loved organizing since I can remember. I love making lists, crossing things off my list (yes, I still use a paper calendar!) and making sure everything has a place. I was that person that never left my house unless everything was in order, dishes were clean, laundry was done and things put away. […]
You did it! you’ve got your systems in place and life looks good, then BAM! You miss a day and things start to pile up and you wonder how the heck you will maintain the goodness you just achieved. Anytime we create a new habit in our life, whether it be a new exercise routine […]
I must admit, I was a bit of a “bah humbug” when it came to decorating for the holidays. And, since Halloween is one of my daughter’s favorite holidays, for us decorating starts the first week of October and lasts until January 1st. Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays and all it represents…family, […]