hi! I'm Tara, Pro Organizer.

My mission is to intentionally and thoughtfully organize your spaces with purpose, to help you create balance and order in your life.

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Life Transitions


Second Home


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Finding Freedom Within The Form

October 29, 2020

Life Transitions

I have loved organizing since I can remember. I love making lists, crossing things off my list (yes, I still use a paper calendar!) and making sure everything has a place. 

I was that person that never left my house unless everything was in order, dishes were clean, laundry was done and things put away.

THEN, I had kids. After my daughter was born, I was able to maintain my systems and stay organized. Of course, it took extra work and energy on my part, but it was doable.

Enter my second child. The juggling act just got trickier.

I had to adjust my expectations about what I could get done, but not without resistance. My third child was born 20 months later, and that was it. I had to lower the bar or else! I realize everyone is different, however, for me, cutting myself some slack was not comfortable but I had to do it. Just getting out of the house with 3 small children was a monumental task let alone making sure the house was in order. To say I struggled was an understatement.

Little by little, I adjusted. What could I let go of? What could I do differently? I needed to adjust my life so it worked for not only me, but my family as well. I chose to focus on what was important for the stage of life I was in at the time. 

As we all move through various stages of our life, our needs change, and life changes. I have learned the key to this adjustment for me was finding Freedom Within The Form. The form is constantly changing. Once we know what the form is, we can choose to find freedom within it. 

Having 3 active teenagers in the house currently, our pre-Covid schedule was hectic. Most weeknights were spent shuttling one or more kids to practices, while juggling dinner shifts and work schedules. The weekends didn’t bring much reprieve, it was laden with tournaments and games. Life was busy. 

Then, in March, quarantine started and everything stopped. My husband lost his job, the kids were home 24/7 and we were forced to find our new “form” once again, whether we liked it or not.

At first, if I’m being honest, it was nice to slow down, take a breather and hit the reset button. We had dinner together every night (too many nights, if you ask my kids!), played games, went for walks, watched movies and, well, just stayed home. 

As a family, we talked about what was happening in the world and how we could contribute meaningfully. We talked about racial and social injustices, we talked about our appreciation and concern for essential workers and we talked about how grateful we were to be safe and healthy, because so many were and are still not. 

Personally, I had time to reflect as well. I had thought about starting an organizing business for a few years, however, it was never the “right time”. Or, at least that’s what I told myself. If there is one thing I’ve learned during this time, it’s “later is now” so I decided to jump in and start my business. TK Lifestyle is so much more than organizing to me. It’s a lifestyle. It’s about finding balance by determining the form of your life so you can be free to live the way you want within it. 

My goal when working with my clients is to understand their “form”.  No matter what stage you are in your life, we will assess your situation and determine what works best and makes the most sense…for YOU. If we can identify your intentions, we can find purpose. One of my superpowers is to see beyond the current use of each area and offer ideas/solutions on how to use it differently and/or find a multifunctional use. Your home should be a reflection of your life. Let it work for you rather than the other way around. 

Click here for a free intro call so we can find your freedom!

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