hi! I'm Tara, Pro Organizer.

My mission is to intentionally and thoughtfully organize your spaces with purpose, to help you create balance and order in your life.

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New Year, Same You…Just Better!

December 31, 2020

Personal Growth

Let’s face it, just because a new year is starting doesn’t mean a new you will emerge, no matter how many resolutions you make. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most people who make ‘resolutions’ run out of steam by the end of January and fall right back into their old habits.  

Why, you ask?

The simple answer is…they aren’t intentional. Creating change is possible if you understand the reason behind why you are doing something. Most people tend to bite off WAY more than they can chew in hopes of getting the new year off to a good start without really connecting to what they want to accomplish. 

So, what now?

Instead of making resolutions, try creating ‘intentions’. Decide what they are and HOW you will stick with them. Here are 6 things to think about when making your list.

1) Make a plan. 

If you want to meditate every day for 5 minutes, for example, that sounds reasonable. Decide on a time you will do this and set a reminder. Know where you will sit and whether you will sit in silence or use an app like Unplug or Simple Habit. 

2) Be Realistic.

Using the above example, instead of saying you will meditate for 20 minutes every day, start with 5 minutes and work your way up. Or stick to 5 minutes for the whole year…it’s better than nothing!

3) Go easy on yourself.

If you miss a day, don’t throw in the towel. Re-commit and choose again. It’s that simple. 

4) Choose an accountability partner.

Most people would rather let themselves down instead of somebody else (that’s a WHOLE other topic for a blog post!). Grab a friend who has the same intention, encourage each other, and keep each other accountable. Decide when and how often you will connect with each other to stay on track. For example, check in every Sunday night and discuss how you will set yourself up for success for the coming week. 

5) Do it for YOU.

Whatever you decide, make sure it’s important to you. You are more likely to be successful if you set intentions that will improve YOUR life. Others might benefit from your changes, however, that’s just a bonus. 

6) Write it down and always know your ‘WHY’!

Grab a pen and paper and write down your top 3 intentions for the new year. Underneath each one, write down your WHY. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Read them a few times and be sure they feel authentic and attainable. Review them often.

For me, getting organized and staying organized is always one of my intentions. It’s a practice and a lifestyle, just like anything else. Creating and maintaining order not only makes me feel calm and balanced, it benefits my entire family and saves us time when everyone knows what we have and where to find it. 

If one of your intentions is organizing, I’m here to help, either in-home or virtually! Click here to set up a free phone consultation! 

Sayonara 2020! It’s been quite a year! 

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